Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chicago Basement Flooding Initiative

Chicago Dual Check Valve Flood Control System
Customer in Chicago called Reliance Plumbing to check frequent flooding problem in basement due to flash floods.
Reliance Plumbing diagnosed problem and installed dual check valve flood control system to prevent city sewer from backing up back into home when the city sewer lines are overwhelmed by sudden storms.
 Call us for any commercial or residential plumbing work. You can always "Rely on Reliance" Plumbing!  (847) 583-1858
Chicago Basement Flooding Initiative 
"The Department of Water Management is eager to work with neighborhood groups and aldermen offices to reduce the risk of basement flooding when the big storms hit.  Chicago (among other communities) is experiencing intense downpours, in part as a result of Climate Change.There are some things the City can do (like installing Rain Blockers), and other things only property owners can do.  The key is to organize our efforts so that as many neighbors as possible are participating.  If only a few people act, it will not be enough.Contact Tom LaPorte at 312-742-1029 to learn more about how you and your neighbors can work with us to reduce the risk of flooding.These are a new kind of storm, and they will take new strategies and partnerships to combat.  Nothing can guarantee you will not flood again, but together we can take meaningful action that reduces the risk" ""

Work Done by Reliance Plumbing
Work Done by Reliance Plumbing

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