"Skokie, known as Niles Center until 1940, was originally a small farm community. The Skokie sewer system was constructed in the 1920’s and was designed to carry both sanitary flows and storm water runoff to the water treatment plant with overflows to the North Shore Channel during heavy rainstorms. The system was more than adequate for a small rural community; however, modern Skokie, developed by the post-war housing boom and the construction of the first interstate highway out of Chicago, altered the above-ground landscape and created a storm water runoff control problem. After a heavy rainstorm, Skokie’s storm water receded too quickly and overwhelmed the sewer system. This created back up of combined sewage in basements throughout the Village, presenting both a health hazard and threats of property damage." (
The article above explains what most homeowners in Skokie IL and other Chicagoland suburbs experience during major storms. To prevent such flood issues Reliance Plumbing installs flood control system or convert gravity sewers to overhead sewer systems. The advantages of an overhead sewer system is that it dose not rely on electricity to prevent flooding. Not all homes can be converted to overhead sewer system but another great option to prevent flooding would be a Dual Check Valve Flood Control system.
The images attached to this Blog are from our most recent overhead sewer job on (Jarlath Ave) in Skokie, IL.
Call us for any commercial or residential plumbing work. You can always “
Rely on Reliance” Plumbing!
(847) 583-1858. (http://www.relianceplumbing.com)